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Allegiant Healthcare of Mesa

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Allegiant Healthcare of Mesa

3130 East Broadway Road
Mesa, AZ 85204

For profit

Overall Rating
Much Below Average

Health Inspection Rating
Much Below Average

Reasons for Citations or Poor Rating

  • Failed to ensure administration of medications met professional standards of quality.
  • Failed to ensure residents received the necessary care and services to promote healing and/or prevent new pressure ulcers.
  • Substandard Quality of Care identified; preventive measures not consistently being implemented, a lack of thorough and/or accurate pressure ulcer assessments and delays in obtaining and/or providing wound treatments; 23 residents identified with pressure ulcers.
  • Failed to ensure clinical indications for the use of an indwelling catheter resulting in its unnecessary use; failed to ensure resident received ostomy care in accordance with professional standards of practice, resulting in untimely waste removal, unpleasant odor and skin breakdown. Facility had twelve residents requiring ostomy care.
  • Failed to ensure pain medication parameters were followed, resulting in administration of unnecessary pain medication; failed to identify quality deficiencies regarding pressure ulcers, resulted in delayed identification of new and existing pressure ulcers, a lack of thorough and accurate pressure ulcer assessments, preventive measures not consistently being implemented and delays in obtaining and/or providing wound treatments.
  • Failed to ensure infection control was maintained for care and suctioning – could result in increased risk of respiratory infections.
  • Fire Safety Inspectors determined that building had Service Deficiencies; Smoke Deficiencies; Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies.

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