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Desert Haven Care Center

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Desert Haven Care Center

2645 East Thomas Road
Phoenix, AZ 85016

For profit

Overall Rating
Much Below Average

Health Inspection Rating
Much Below Average

Reasons for Citations or Poor Rating

Failed to ensure that alleged violations involving abuse or mistreatment were reported to APS.
Failed to ensure that the results of investigation were reported to the State Agency.
Failed to ensure an allegation of resident to resident abuse was thoroughly investigated.
Failed to ensure that multiple residents with aggressive behaviors were provided adequate supervision to prevent from behaving in a physically aggressive manner towards others.
Failed to ensure that resident or representative was informed of the risks and benefits of psychoactive medications, prior to administration.
Failed to ensure resident’s clinical record included the information that was provided to the receiving provider; ensure discharge planning included developing a discharge care plan.
Failed to develop a discharge summary that included a recapitulation of the resident’s stay and a final summary of the resident’s status.
Failed to ensure residents received treatment and care in accordance with professional standards of practice, by failing to conduct weekly skin assessments.
Failed to use the services of a Registered Nurse (RN) for at least 8 consecutive hours a day, 7 days a week.
Failed to ensure that residents were free from unnecessary medications, by failing to administer pain medications within the ordered parameters.
Failed to ensure residents received adequate monitoring for effectiveness of an antipsychotic medication, by failing to consistently monitor and accurately document target behaviors;
Failed to ensure that employees had evidence of freedom from infectious diseases on or before the date the employee began providing services and failed to ensure containers of beverage thickener powder and protein powder were stored in a sanitary manner.
Fire Safety Inspectors found building had service deficiencies; smoke deficiencies;Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies; Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies; Egress Deficiencies; Miscellaneous Deficiencies.

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