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Desert Highlands Care Center

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Desert Highlands Care Center

1081 Kathleen Ave
Kingman, AZ 86401

For profit

Overall Rating
Much Below Average

Health Inspection Rating
Much Below Average

Reasons for Citations or Poor Rating

Failed to ensure privacy was provided to resident, who was receiving an insulin injection.
Failed to ensure resident was free from sexually inappropriate behavior by another resident.
Failed to implement their policy regarding reporting and investigating an allegation of sexual abuse.
Failed to ensure that an allegation of abuse was reported to the police, within 24 hours as required.
Failed to ensure that an allegation of abuse was reported to the State Agency and Adult Protective Services (APS), within two hours after the allegation was made.
Failed to ensure that an allegation of abuse was thoroughly investigated.
Failed to ensure ensure resident’s clinical record contained the transfer information which was conveyed to the receiving provider.
Failed to ensure that comprehensive care plans were developed.
Failed to ensure treatment in accordance with professional standards of practice.
Failed to ensure intervention to prevent accidents was implemented and adequate supervision to prevent accidents.
Failed to ensure oxygen therapy was provided with professional standards.
Failed to ensure resident received medical treatment services consistent with professional standards of practice.
Failed to ensure expired medications in one medications cart was not available for use.
Fire Safety Inspectors determined that the building had Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies; Services Deficiencies; Smoke Deficiencies; Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies.

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