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La Estancia Nursing And Rehabilitation Center

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La Estancia Nursing And Rehabilitation Center

15810 South 42nd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85048

For profit

Overall Rating
Much Below Average

Health Inspection Rating
Much Below Average

Reasons for Citations or Poor Rating

Failed to provide timely care and services, in order to accommodate choice to attend church services.
Failed to ensure that a notice of transfer and discharge was sent to the Ombudsman.
Failed ensure professional standards of quality were met regarding the administration of an antipsychotic medication.
Failed to ensure there was sufficient nursing staff to meet the needs of multiple resident.
Failed to ensure medications and supplies were secured on a treatment and medication cart.
Failed to implement infection control procedures for the handling of soiled laundry and equipment cleaning.
Failed to implement additional corrective action regarding concerns with Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).
Failed to ensure that the water safety management program included all components.
Failed to develop and implement an Antibiotic Stewardship Program.
Failed to implement a pneumonia vaccine program using the current guidelines and standards.
Failed to ensure that one resident was free from sexual abuse by another resident.
Failed to implement policies and procedures regarding an allegation of abuse.
Failed to report the results of an abuse investigation to the State Survey Agency within 5 working days of the incident.
Failed to ensure that residents were provided adequate supervision to prevent physical assaults.
Fire Safety Inspectors determined the building had Service Deficiencies, Smoke Deficiencies; Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies; Miscellaneous Deficiencies; Egress Deficiencies; Emergency Plans and Fire Drills Deficiencies; Hazardous Area Deficiencies; Medical Gases and Anesthetizing Areas Deficiencies.

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