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Life Care Center Of Paradise Valley

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Life Care Center Of Paradise Valley

4065 East Bell Road
Phoenix, AZ 85032

For profit

Overall Rating
Much Below Average

Health Inspection Rating
Much Below Average

Reasons for Citations or Poor Rating

Failed to ensure residents were informed of the risks and benefits of medications; Failed to ensure that advance directives for resident was accurately documented in clinical record; Failed to ensure resident was free from neglect; Failed to report an incident of neglect to the State Survey Agency; Failed to investigate an allegation of neglect; ensure a Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment was accurate; a Level I PASRR (Preadmission Screening and Resident Review) screening for possible serious mental disorders and/or intellectual disability was completed before admission resident;Failed to to provide resident and their representative with a summary of the baseline care plan; failed to ensure a care plan was revised for resident; to meet professional standards of quality, by failing to ensure that medications for residents were administered as ordered and by failing to implement physician orders; ensure residents with limited range of motion (ROM) received appropriate services to increase and/or prevent further decrease in range of motion; Failed to ensure that a fall care plan intervention was implemented for residents and failed to ensure adequate supervision; ensure that pre and post medical treatment assessments were completed; Failed to ensure that residents with dementia received the appropriate treatment and services to attain their highest practicable well-being; Failed to ensure as needed (PRN) medications residents and had documentation of the rationale to continue their use longer than the required timeframe, and failed to ensure that target behaviors and side effects associated with the use of medications were consistently monitored; Failed to ensure residents were free from a significant medication error; Failed to ensure that expired medications were discarded and not available for use; Failed to ensure that quality control testing was performed glucometers per their policy; Failed to ensure that a glucometer was disinfected following the testing of a resident’s blood glucose level.
Fire Safety Inspection Report: Inspectors determined that the building had Service Deficiencies, Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies; Emergency Plans and Fire Drills Deficiencies; Corridor Walls and Doors Deficiencies; Miscellaneous Deficiencies;

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