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Mountain View Manor

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Mountain View Manor

1045 Sandretto Drive
Prescott, AZ 86305

For profit

Overall Rating
Much Below Average

Health Inspection Rating
Much Below Average

Reasons for Citations or Poor Rating

Failed to ensure that resident was free from physical abuse by other residents; Failed to implement their abuse policy, thoroughly investigate resident-to-resident physical abuse involving and to report these incidents to the State Survey Agency; Failed to report incidents of resident-to-resident physical abuse; Failed to ensure a Death in the Facility Tracking Record was encoded and transmitted within the required timeframe; Failed to ensure nursing staff had evidence of CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) training, and failed to develop a policy regarding CPR to include CPR training for nursing staff; Failed to ensure care and services were provided to prevent the worsening of pressure sores; Failed to ensure that additional interventions including adequate supervision were provided for residents with ongoing wandering behaviors; Failed to ensure residents receiving medications had GDR’s (gradual dose reductions)attempted or that there was documentation that GDR’s were clinically contraindicated; Failed to ensure that resident was monitored for specific target behaviors related to the use of an antidepressant medication.
Fire Safety Inspection Report: Inspectors determined that the building had Service Deficiencies; Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies; Miscellaneous Deficiencies; Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies; Egress Deficiencies

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