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Rio Vista Post Acute And Rehabilitation

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Rio Vista Post Acute And Rehabilitation

10323 West Olive Avenue
Peoria, AZ 85345

For profit

Overall Rating
Much Below Average

Health Inspection Rating
Much Below Average

Reasons for Citations or Poor Rating

Failed to ensure residents were informed and provided written information regarding advance directives at the time of admission.
Failed to ensure residents received the necessary services to maintain good personal hygiene.
Failed to ensure bowel care in accordance with professional standards of practice.
Failed to ensure that pain medication was provided as scheduled.
Failed to ensure there was sufficient nursing staff to meet the needs of the residents.
Failed to ensure drug regimen was free from unnecessary drugs, by failing to provide narcotic pain medication per the physician ordered parameters.
Failed to ensure that medications and medical supplies were discarded when expired.
Failed to ensure the clinical record was complete regarding medications.
Failed to identify quality concerns related to sufficient staffing and provision of care, and implement corrective action and monitoring to correct the issues. Failed to ensure residents were free from neglect.
Failed to implement their Abuse policy, by failing to ensure incidents of neglect and an allegation of physical abuse were thoroughly investigated, immediately reported to the Administrator and reported to the State Survey Agency within 2 hours after the allegations were made, and that residents were protected from the potential for further abuse/neglect during the investigation.
Failed to ensure resident was provided social services after the resident experienced incidents of being left alone in the bathroom.
Failed to ensure means to communicate with the staff by having a call light accessible.
Fire Safety Inspectors determined that the building had Smoke Deficiencies; Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies; Egress Deficiencies; Service Deficiencies, Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies; Miscellaneous Deficiencies.

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