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Suncrest Healthcare Center

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Suncrest Healthcare Center

2211 East Southern Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85040

For profit

Overall Rating
Much Below Average

Health Inspection Rating
Much Below Average

Reasons for Citations or Poor Rating

Failed to conduct thorough investigations into allegations of sexual abuse.
Failed to ensure care and services were provided to resident identified as high risk for falls.
Failed to ensure cognitive impairment was thoroughly and accurately assessed for safe smoking.
Failed to ensure Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessments were accurate.
Failed to ensure that a care plan for dental and a care plan for hospice was developed.
Failed to ensure the care plan was revised to include new interventions following a fall.
Failed to ensure residents received adequate number of showers.
Failed to ensure care and services were provided.
Failed to ensure residents received specialized rehabilitation services as ordered.
Failed to ensure that staff member had current evidence of freedom from infectious diseases.
Fire Safety Inspectors determined that the building had Smoke Deficiencies; Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies; Egress Deficiencies; Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies.

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